

Sunday, April 18, 2010


heeeeeee . enough about rebecca .
i'm talking about talent , i'm thinking of trying to find something new to be shared with all my friends , so that we can exchange ideas and teach each other .
it's not easy to have 1000 skills at the same time . :)
learn learn learn .

one of my earliest talents , is just badminton . played it since i was 5 . i was always harassed , thrown at , by mother because i suck : (
but everything turned around , that was one of my natural talent : )
but of course , natural talent can't beat someone professional in a game .
but as i played the game on and on and on , it became boring, so that's why i always thought of new ways to hit back shots or retrieve hard ones .
for instance , doing a split to retrieve a drop ball . =)

the thing is , i do stuff to impress , to give entertainment . i don't care if i win or lose , important thing is , i know i'm awesome .
what else can i do ?
piano , guitar , viola , violin , er-hu , zhong luan , saxaphone and a lot of other instruments . breakdance , ''ballet'' , hip hop , traditional dances . sing , opera , normal , rock , chipmunk ( fav ) it's like almost everything right .
like badminton , i never learn professionlly like my friends do , i'll just have to experiment myself .

for example , i can actually play the same level of piano with 8th graders . well of course , they have perfect technique . SUCK LIKE SHIT . i hate techniques .
but i NEED it . i'm talking like i have a lot of shit here .
fine , a list of GENERAL THINGS I CAN DO .

3.Play music instruments .
7.Mass Communication . ( A lot of languages )
that's generally , but if broken down , it's possible to reach about 500 stuffs .
i'm so glad GOD gave me this gift to be able to do almost everything : )
but even though , some certain people with this ability will use it in the wrong way .which i didnt :)

enought talk . erm , i've been sleeping , and watching reading YAKITATE JAPAN'S stuffs , since 6 . 25 a.m . :) i lve this anime . nothing much right ? well that's all la .

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