

Saturday, April 17, 2010


is all i ever thought about today .
she's like the cutest angel i've every met :)
she have this smile, that makes my heart skips a beat whenever she does .
why am i feeling like this , is it normal ?
i felt this way before , but it's different in a way .
oh my god , i'm not making sense, and it's all because of the wonderful angel ,
AH AH AH .. like the lovely roses of red , with the blur birds fly in the sky up high , with all the rainbow colours representing my love . for the one and only , . YEAH .
muahaha =)

nothing much happened today , went to school for taekwondo .

* interruption* omg omg omg omg omg omg , she replied . :)

oh yeah , erm , everybody's marching hard for the hari sukan stuff . i expect to see people come for SATRIA marching . and get marks for it . and go for the win . but sad , REBECCA not my house.: (
aiyo , everything about rebecca > < crazy adi .

gotta stop now , before i explode . REBECCA <3 :)

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